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Never Coming Back

Never Coming Back

Troublemakers Gosia, Dominika, Ewelina and Alicja are alumni of a youth educational cen-ter in Eastern Poland. They are also victims of domestic violence.

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Gosia, Dominika, Ewelina and Alicja are all alumni of a youth educational center in the North-East of Poland. They were placed there by Court as troublemakers. They skipped school, abused substances, committed petty crimes but also sold drugs and stole goods.Unfortunately they themselves are also victims - of domestic violence, emotionally neglected kids from dysfunctional families. Teenager Dominika dreams of having her own child. Girls in social rehabilitation centers become pregnant on quite a large scale. It isn’t necessarily a result of irresponsibility or lack of sexual education. In their world full of rather horrible family experiences a child of your own becomes the only promise of unconditional love and a happy home.




  • projection time:
    62 min.
  • country/year:
    Poland / 2020
  • director:
    Mikołaj Lizut
  • pictures:
    Marcin Sauter
  • production:
    Mikołaj Lizut, Piotr Walter / Kombinat artystyczny TONIGHT
  • awards :
    2021 - Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festiwal: Polish Premiere

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