Over two decades after finishing her documentary ”Gendernauts” in 1999, Monika Treut returns to California to meet the protagonists of her groundbreaking queer film. Sandy Stone, Susan Stryker, Stafford and Max Valerio were once the young pioneers of the trans movement and almost all of them lived in San Francisco, back then the mecca for outsiders. Today they are between 50 and 80 years old, and hardly anyone of them can still afford to live in the city any more. But the energy of the gendernauts and their supporters Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens is unbroken. ”Genderation” throws a utopian look back and shows the creative resistance of the gendernauts against the threatening living conditions in the USA.
projection time:88 min.
country/year:Germany /2021
director:Monika Treut
pictures:Elfi Mikesch, Robert Falckenberg
production:Monika Treut / Hyena Films e.K.
awards :2021 - Berlinale IFF