Wolves at the Borders

Wolves at the Borders
dir. Martin Páv/Czech Republic/2020/79 min.

In the Broumov region in the Czech Republic, the last wolf was eliminated two centuries ago. Its reintroduction, like elsewhere in Europe, triggers passionate debate between livestock farmers and environmentalists. Martin Páv planted his camera in the middle of this battlefield, on which is being played out the pacified coexistence of humans with this totem animal, a symbol of wild nature.


  • projection time:
    79 min.
  • country/year:
    Czech Republic /2020
  • director:
    Martin Páv
  • pictures:
    Petr Racek
  • production:
    Zuzana Kučerová / Frame Films
  • awards :
    2020 – Visions du Réel, Nyon

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